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The Law Society Trailwalker Teams

The Law Society Trailwalker Teams will participate in Oxfam Trailwalker this year from 19 to 21 November 2010. The teams need to complete a 100km walk within 48 hours along the MacLeHose Trail and additional route.


2007 Hong Kong Commerce, Industry & Professional Services Delegation Visit to Liaoning Shenyang (30 January 2007 - 2 February 2007)

During the period from 30th January to 1st February 2007, the Beijing Office of HKSAR government led an official delegation of about fifty members from the industrial, commercial and professional sectors to visit Shenyang City in Liaoning Province. Despite the sub-zero and extreme cold temperature, the delegation was warmly received by hosts both from the provincial and municipal levels. Not only did the visit enable the delegation to fully grasp the latest policies promulgated for economic development of Shenyang, but it also laid down a very good platform for both sides to explore for greater chance of cooperation. We are confident that further economic progress will be markedly attained in light of all the favourable policies. At the same time, we also believe that legal professions in Hong Kong may contribute in the process of the economic development in Liaoning Province. Ho Kwan Yiu 9 February 2007


Interview Broadcast with the Radio Guangzhou

Junius had attended a series of interview broadcast with the Radio Guangzhou shortly after his successful running for the election of the council member of the China Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce (Guangzhou Branch) in November 2005. His views were broadcasted in the radio talk show entitled "Facing Each Other in the Commercial World" between 21 - 25 November 2005. Part I of the recording concerns with the prospects of lawyers at three different perspectives. i.e. inside China, Hong Kong and internationally. Part II of the recording concerns with the role of Hong Kong as a whole and to what extent it could serve well the economic development in China.


My days in Tsinghua University

In May, a group of 26 people coming from different professions gathered at Beijing Tsinghua University to attend a 9-day course. The course was structured to cover a whole range of interesting topics such as Modern Chinese History; Changes after the Implementation of the Economic Reform Policy in China since 1978; Current International Affairs and Diplomacy; and Application of the old Chinese Virtues and Wisdoms in modern days. This 10-minute video clip gives a concise report on the events.


Secondment to Trust Law Firm in Guangdong, April 2004

Our Mr. Junius Ho attended a secondment program (which is his second secondment after his first secondment to Xian in May 2002) in Guangzhou with Trust Law Firm in April 2004. The experience gained through the secondment program is valuable and of great assistance in serving clients both in Hong Kong and Mainland.


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